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Your Guide to Context Marketing

Fifth & Cor

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Every good marketer knows that ads have to be targeted to the right audience to implement a marketing campaign successfully. More importantly, a good marketer knows when to implement the right campaign at the right time to have maximum impact on the brand experience.

This factor is where context marketing comes into play. Context marketing is more critical now than ever before, especially with social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as marketing platforms.

What is Context Marketing?

Context marketing is closely related to the concept of content marketing. As content marketing delivers content in the hopes of attracting and retaining consumers, context marketing is all about providing this content at the right time for maximum impact on the customers’ brand experience. To be an effective marketing strategy, a marketer has to understand the five cycles of consumer behavior introduced by John Dewey, which are:

  • Need for recognition - The consumer identifies the need or a problem.

  • Information search - The consumer searches for internal or external information.

  • Evaluation of alternatives - The consumer evaluates all the products depending on their attributes.

  • Purchase - The consumer forms an intention to buy a specific product.

  • Post-purchase behavior - The consumer assesses whether they are satisfied with the product.

Context marketing delivers marketing content targeted to consumers at a specific time in the consumer behavior process. The key concept behind context marketing is providing the right content with keeping in mind that timing is critical to achieving successful customer conversion.

The modern consumer is no longer interested in all the noise behind traditional marketing strategies. With context marketing, you eliminate the noise and deliver targeted ads to consumers when they need it most.

Why Context Marketing is Important

Context marketing is an important marketing strategy to reach out to consumers. With most consumers on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, it is also one of the most effective ways to reach your target market.

Better Conversion

Because context marketing considers the specific stage of a consumer’s journey, you will specifically target your marketing efforts towards someone more open to suggestions. This targeting at the exact point of the consumer’s journey leads to better conversions.

Take, for example, someone who is looking for winter boots. Using context marketing, you will want to email them or create content relevant to the winter season- at the start of the season. This will more likely get your marketing attention instead of just creating content that is not relevant to the consumer’s needs.

Personalized Approach

With context marketing, your consumers feel that they are approached in a more personalized way than traditional marketing strategies, which are generic. This feeling of personalization makes consumers feel that their needs are individually validated and creates better brand loyalty and conversion.

When marketers use the context marketing approach, especially in social media marketing and digital marketing, it gives consumers a better connection to the brand and a higher likelihood of recommending the brand to their peers.


Traditional content marketing can be seen as disruptive to online activities. No one wants to be bothered with ads that do not relate to them. With context marketing, you target your consumers with marketing material that speaks to their needs. When context marketing is done correctly, it won’t be seen as an advertisement - consumers will see it as a solution to a problem.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

With context marketing, you are not only promoting the brand experience, but you are also increasing customer satisfaction as you present solutions to consumer problems. Context marketing transforms your brand into more than a product; it creates a whole customer experience that consumers can relate to.


Context marketing is more affordable than conventional marketing strategies. Because context marketing is all about timing, you do not need to create multiple ads for different personas; you simply have to deliver the right ad to the right person at the right time. Context marketing is also more affordable because you already know your target consumer, so you don’t have to spend extra on costly data analytics.

How to Get Started With Context Marketing

The first step to getting started with context marketing is understanding and analyzing customer data. This critical step helps create customer personas who are more likely to respond to your marketing efforts. You can get this data through web analytics and social media analytics.

By analyzing specific customer data, you will get an idea of what your customers are looking for. Whether it’s a product or a service, you can help bring your consumers the solution they need through good context marketing. Context marketing is all about timing.

With the right strategy, you can maximize your marketing efforts and yield the best customer retention and conversion rates. If you’re looking for innovative marketing strategies, Fifth & Cor can help you with that.

Learn how Fifth & Cor can implement an innovative marketing strategy for your brand.

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